Welcome to the BrewCrew for the 2022-2023 school year.
Welcome Thank you for visiting Mr. Brewer's 3rd grade classroom website! You can learn more about our classroom by using the links above and throughout the site. Enjoy, and thanks for visiting our site!
If your child is a part of the BrewCrew for the 2022-2023 school year please complete the online parent form by clicking HERE. This form is of great importance to me and helps me get in touch with you when needed. Also please join our classroom Reminder and Updates app. This works either with your email or text message and helps me get important information out to you quickly and easily. |
Google Login and Clever... To watch a brief guided tour of our classroom for the 2022-2023 school year click on the picture below.
Back to Jitters Wordle - 2022-2023.... (in 3D)
Google Classroom Log-in Video Tutorial
A lot can be said about the power of working together to achieve a common goal. In today's fast paced world, this concept seems to have been forgotten. Many people have a feeling that they alone must accept the challenges and or problems they face each and every day. I believe the opposite to be true. We need to work together and combine our knowledge and skills so that problems and challenges seem less daunting and out of our reach. The video above is a great example of this very idea. Click on it to watch. Enjoy!
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This year students in room 28 will not have nightly assigned homework. Any work they fail to complete in class will be sent home for them to complete and turn in the next day. They will be asked to complete the work assigned to them in Literature Circles which will start around the middle of September.
Each night they will be asked to complete 30 mins of reading and 15 mins of math fact practice. Please click HERE to read the reasons for this change. Remind Notices
Google ClassroomGet Instant updates!Want to know whats going on in class? Want to know when your child has a test or an important due date? Then use your cell phones texting feature and type in what you see below. You will then get INSTANT updates and messages about things going on in the Brewcrew.
First Week PacketAs we look for more environmental ways to save paper, I will be asking parents to download many of the materials I would normally copy off and send home for you. If you are unable to print your own copy please let me know and I will send one home with your child.
Click on the picture above and to the left to download the complete first day packet. This packet contains crucial information that you will need to help your child be successful for the 2022-2023 school year. |
Classroom VolunteersIf you would like to help out in our classroom during the 2022-2023 school year please click the picture to be taken to an online volunteer form.
Calendar of EventsWelcome to Susan LaVorgna |
Provided by Wordle.net
How do I protect my child's textbooks this year?
Every year students have accidents around their text books. The biggest being that the books experience water or liquid damage. These text books can be very expensive to replace and we want to make sure they are protected as much as possible.
Here is an easy and inexpensive way to cover all of your child's textbooks? All you need is a large brown paper bag from your local super market, a pair of scissors, and maybe some tape. Then simply click on the video below from Howcast.com to watch a pro cover a book.
Here is an easy and inexpensive way to cover all of your child's textbooks? All you need is a large brown paper bag from your local super market, a pair of scissors, and maybe some tape. Then simply click on the video below from Howcast.com to watch a pro cover a book.
A great video from Howcast on how to properly cover a textbook. Find many more amazing videos at Howcast.com