Homework Policy and Expectations

Over the past few years I have been looking at the value of having students complete nightly homework assignments in the primary grades. Most of the research suggests that their is little to no evidence that having students in primary grades complete homework provides them with any better foundations than those who do not complete nightly assignments. Toward the end of last year, I eliminated nightly homework and instead created a nightly routine to provide my students with simple, yet coordinated activities to improve learning. The results were amazing. Parents said that their children were more engaged at home and more excited about school after eliminating nightly homework. I saw increased student participation and effort during the school day. With all this said, I have decided to use a modified approach to homework. Below you will find an outline of what I would like to see your child complete on a nightly basis.
Nightly Expectations:
1. Read, Read, and read some more
2. If a child failed to complete work in class they may need to bring it home to complete.
3. They will also be required to complete a weekly Literature Circles Assignment (Beginning in September)
Daily classwork is due the day after it is assigned (unless otherwise specified). LATE WORK WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED! Of course, students who are absent due to illness will be given the necessary time to make up missed assignments.
All written work that is to be turned in must be completed in your child's best writing. This includes in-class work such as tests, quizzes, and rough draft writing assignments. Written assignments may be typed.
All work must also contain the proper class heading in the upper right-hand corner of the paper. This heading consists of the student's name, number, and the date. The title of the assignment goes on the first line of the paper (for example -- Math p.105 #'s 1-20).
Thank you for your continued support.
Mr. Brewer