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Brewer Buzz is a podcast created to help the students of Room 28 review for various tests throughout the school year. Basically, a Brewer Buzz is an audio review session recorded by Mr. Brewer for his students. These broadcasts are not intended to replace traditional studying, but rather to provide an additional study aid. You can listen to broadcasts right here on If you're looking for a way to study on the go, download a broadcast, then burn it to a CD or transfer it to your iPod. Click on a Brewer Buzz below to listen in a new window. To download a broadcast to your computer, right-click (control-click for Mac users) on the link and then select "Save Target As..." (or "Download Linked File" for Mac users). Please be patient as files are large and, depending on your Internet connection, may take a few moments to completely download to your computer.
Check back at the beginning of the school year
Check back at the beginning of the school year
Check back at the beginning of the school year